About me

Hey, I'm Lacey.

I am a fourth-generation folk healer and hereditary/ generational witch who follows a pagan/ animist path. As an ordained priestess of the Goddess, I practice a nature-based tradition that has its roots in modern Wicca, which I first began studying in 1999. I specialize in domestic magic, including hearth, cottage, hedge, green, and kitchen magic. These practices are deeply ingrained in my family’s heritage, and I am honored to carry on these traditions and pass them down to future generations.

Feeling overwhelmed as a new witch is completely normal. Even experienced practitioners can struggle to keep up with the rapidly evolving nature of the craft. But don’t fret, because I’m here to help!

My own journey with witchcraft began at just five years old, in a small lime-green house in Bermuda. One afternoon, while searching my mother’s drawers for something to wear for dress-up, I stumbled upon a mysterious black cloth. Upon unwrapping it, I discovered a small book and deck of cards unlike any I had ever seen before. The book’s shiny, crackled cover resembled a spider web, and the deck of cards was not like any playing cards I had encountered. As a young child with limited reading ability, I scanned the pictures, attempting to discern their meaning. A woman on a throne? A wheel? The sun and the moon? Filled with excitement, I ran to my mother, interrupting her kitchen table reading to show her my newfound treasure. “How do you play this game?!” I exclaimed.

That moment marked my official introduction to the occult. But as I would come to learn, my family’s connection to witchcraft went much deeper than mere Southern superstition. 

Years have passed since that unforgettable afternoon when I sat at the kitchen table flipping Tarot cards with my mother as a little girl. During this time, I’ve hungrily consumed information on various forms of Witchcraft, eagerly soaking up everything I could find. At the tender age of nine, I even intuited my first spell.

In 1999, while living outside of Salem, M.A., I officially dedicated myself to the Craft and embarked on my formal studies in Wicca. I had the pleasure of working with two Wiccan covens, but as I moved around, it became increasingly difficult to maintain this communal practice. This is when I embarked on a solitary path, honing my skills and developing my own unique approach to the craft.

But as fate would have it, I eventually found a mentor in Ahneke and began The Greystone Path. Through this journey, I’ve gained a deeper understanding of the craft and have been able to incorporate new insights into my practice. 

Growing up, my family relocated frequently before settling in North Carolina, where I dove deeper into our family’s traditions and local customs. Initially, I found it easy to follow the traditional Wiccan Wheel of the Year until I moved to an area where the natural world around me did not align with the Wiccan seasons. It was then that I turned to the guidance of my mentor, Ahneke, and learned to cultivate a deeper connection with the world around me. Armed with these tools, I forged a new path to deepen my connection to nature.

My journey led me to develop a personal system for aligning with the natural cycles of the seasons and the moon, integrating my evolving beliefs with the practice of witchcraft and magic. I documented my approach, which has allowed me to live in harmony with the world around me while staying true to my individual path.

It was during this time that I found Sophia Center for Goddess Study and served on the Board of Directors alongside several extraordinary women. In December of 2017, after studying under Dr. Candace Kant and Rev. Anna Kendall I was ordained as a Priestess of The Goddess

In 2019, I created Wakeful, Wild, & Wise, a membership ebook that contains the practical method I used to build my own witchcraft practice that’s seamlessly integrated with daily life. These ebooks were specifically designed to help people move beyond just studying and start actively practicing witchcraft. As the membership grew, I learned there was a need for more connection, community, and support. In 2021 The Way of the Cottage Witch Mentorship Program was launched to help modern witches develop a personal practice that floes with everyday life.

What about you? I’d love to hear about your witchy goals, interests, or questions.

Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned practitioner, I’m here to share my knowledge and support your journey in the craft.

[email protected]