Sage Coven Level

The Sage level represents a mastery of the craft, where practitioners have honed their skills and are ready to share their knowledge with others. It offers advanced resources and personalized support for community building and teaching.

  • Weekly one-hour coaching calls, providing personalized guidance, mentorship, and support.

  • Private access to ClickUp, a platform for  program development, empowering members to build their own communities and share their wisdom with others.
  • Platform Selection: Assisting in choosing the right online platforms (such as social media, forums, or websites) to build a strong community presence.

  • Content Creation Support: Providing guidance on creating engaging and valuable content tailored to the community’s interests and needs.

  • Exclusive invitation to our covens online retreat to teach your craft.

  • Monetization Strategies: Advising on various monetization methods, including affiliate marketing, digital product creation, and membership subscriptions.

  • Brand Development: Helping individuals develop a unique brand identity that resonates with their community and aligns with their values.

  • Community Management Techniques: Teaching effective community management techniques to foster a positive and supportive environment.

  • Long-Term Sustainability: Offering strategies for maintaining community growth and engagement over time while ensuring ethical and sustainable practices.

  • Personalized Coaching: Providing one-on-one guidance and support tailored to the individual’s specific goals and challenges.

  • Community Building Expertise: Guiding individuals in establishing and nurturing online witchy communities through effective communication and engagement strategies.


    This level is by application only. Click below to apply.