Trusting the Universe’s Guidance | Between You and Me

Embracing the Cosmic Flow

Have you noticed how the energy around us shifts with the seasons, the phases of the moon, or even with our own attitudes?

Just like the moon, our lives have their own cycles, and sometimes we need a gentle reminder to embrace the natural flow.

Consider the Fool from the tarot—he embarks on his journey with trust and curiosity, even as he stands at the edge of a cliff. He knows that the Universe has his back. This is the energy we’re cultivating: openness and a willingness to let go of control. The path of least resistance is the path to alignment. When we stop pushing against the current, we allow miracles to happen.

Let me share a story with you. A few years back, I was stuck in a pattern where I resisted every opportunity that came my way. I didn’t realize it at the time, but by clinging to old habits, I was inadvertently blocking my own progress. It was as exhausting as swimming upstream. But under a full moon, I decided to let go. I surrendered my plans and fears, and suddenly, everything shifted. It was as if the Universe had been waiting for me to release my grip. The weight lifted, and I began to trust in the cosmic flow.

Tonight, under the moon, wherever you are, take a moment to reflect. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and feel the energy around you. What are you resisting? What do you need to let go of? Like the Fool, take that leap of faith, trusting that the Universe will guide you.

We are all part of this cosmic dance, connected by the energy that flows through everything. I encourage you to share your stories, insights, and dreams with each other. If you have any questions or need guidance, I’m here for you.

Blessed be!

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About the Author

Lacey is a modern witch living by the seasons and the moon. She is dedicated to helping you develop a practice that flows with everyday life. Read more about her here.

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