Witchy Home Décor with Interior Alchemy

witchy home decor

How to decorate your house like a witch with Interior Alchemy

Have you ever wanted to start decorating your home in a way that aligns with your personal practice and goals? By creating an environment that supports your intentions with Interior Alchemy, you can make it easier to achieve the results you desire. 
Keep reading to learn how.
Interior Alchemy involves working with the elements, energies, and spirits within one’s home in order to achieve balance and create sacred space. It can be used for a specific purpose, but it’s often used to simply balance the energies in a room so that it flows with your daily witchcraft practice.
Now let’s get started….
1. First, get in touch with your own personal energies. This can be done through meditation, self-reflection, and other practices that help to quiet the mind and open the heart. I recommend a meditation that focuses on interacting with the elements in physical form.
2. Determine the Threshold Boundaries of your home/room(s) and set up protection with apotropaic magic.
3. Determine the directions and elemental correspondences of the Threshold Boundaries. Then begin balancing the elemental energies and household spirits present. 
Here’s what balancing the element might look like:
  • If someone is seeking to heal an emotional wound, they may work with the element of water and its correspondences to soothe and calm their inner world. Place those items in the west.
  • If you want to attract grounding energy, you might use plants and stones that are associated with the element of Earth. Place those items in the north.
  • If you want to encourage communication with spirits, you might use items associated with the element of Air. Place those items in the east.
  • If you want to ignite a spark of passion, use items that correspond with fire and place them in the south.
By creating a personal practice that flows with everyday life, modern witches like you can develop a deeper connection to the energies and spirits all around. I hope this has inspired you to consider how Interior Alchemy can help you create a space that supports your magical work. 
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Hey! Get cozy and stay awhile.

I’m Lacey. I am a modern cottage witch with over 20 years of practice. I love nothing more than helping others find their way into magic that is all around us. More about me here.

Want to practice while advancing your craft? Think of this as a playground for your spirit. Have fun and above all else, play.

Cottage witch

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