A Witch’s Guide to Enjoying the Journey | Between You and Me

A green witch in her garden

There’s a certain magic in the air when one decides to walk the path of the witch. It’s not the seductive allure of casting spells or brewing potions that captivate the heart—it’s the deep-rooted connection to the ebb and flow of the natural world. The modern witch, in their wisdom, understands that life is a pilgrimage, and each step is as important as any final destination.

The hustle and bustle, the race for ‘success’, and the chase, are not the essence of the craft. Instead, it is about living undisturbed by the world and watching it turn.

Finding Power in Patience

Our world adores speed. But speed does not always yield the greatest results, especially in something as esoteric and profound as witchcraft. Our spells and intentions need time to manifest, just as the plants require weeks to grow and the tides follow the subtle prompt of the moon. Patience is the unseen force that validates each act and spell. Patience means knowing that you are enough as you are, right where you are. It is the silent understanding that growth and evolution are inevitable; there is no need to rush.

In the craft, the power comes not from haste but from a calm, patient, and focused mind. The modern witch’s strength is not in bringing things to happen faster, but rather in understanding the flow of life’s patterns and synchronizing their energy with it.

Aligning with Nature's Rhythms

The sun rises and sets, the moon waxes and wanes, and the seasons change in their relentless cycle, teaching us the art of living in accordance with nature’s rhythm. The modern witch who takes a moment to set their intent with each dawn and dusk, who gazes up at the moon with reverence, and who honors the earth beneath her feet, is the one most in sync with the universe.

Each season offers its lessons and energy that we, as witches, can utilize to enrich our craft and our lives. Spring, with its new beginnings, is the time of sowing seeds both literally and metaphorically. Summer, with its warmth and abundance, is the time to nurture these growing desires. Autumn, with its colorful farewell, asks us to release what no longer serves us. Winter, with its introspective coldness, beckons us to quiet reflection. By aligning with these natural rhythms, we enrich our spells and cultivate a life of balance and magick.

Crafting a Journey, Not Following a Map

The path of the witch is as personal as a fingerprint, and it can only be carved by you, uniquely, and without hurry. There is no universal formula for a successful life in witchcraft. The destination, if there has to be one, is the culmination of your experiences, the wisdom in your bones, and the love in your heart. It is not a place you arrive at, but a state of being you have already attained.

Design a life that embodies the tenets of your craft. Surround yourself with energies that sustain your spirit and nourish your growth. Create a sacred space where you can be in communion with the divine. Foster a community that understands the language of your heart and the rhythm of your soul.

The Circle of Gratitude

In the circle of gratitude, we learn to appreciate the small, often overlooked pockets of magic that life offers. It’s in these moments of recognition that we realize how full life truly is and that success, when it comes, will be the sweetest fruit, savored and not devoured.

Spend a few minutes everyday in gratitude and express appreciation for your natural world.

Wandering in the Gray Spaces

In our society, everything is categorized, labeled, and boxed. But the craft knows no such boundaries. It’s comfortable in the ambiguity, as life often is. There is magic in the gray areas of life, where polarity meets, and opposites dance. Too often, we rush to conclusions, dismiss what we don’t understand, or fear that which doesn’t fit neatly into our understanding. But the modern witch is guided by an unrushed life and finds beauty in the unknown, power in the maybes, and possibility in curiosity.

This gray space is where we grow. It’s where we question, learn, and evolve our craft. It’s where we paint the canvas of life not in black and white but in a myriad of hues that make the mundane magical.

The Naturally Modern Witch Coven

Together, we are stronger. In our coven of naturally modern witches, each one of us progresses at her own pace, celebrates her own victories, learns from her own defeats, and yet weaves a tapestry of collective wisdom. We do not compete; we complete each other. We do not hurry; instead, we encourage the progress at its natural pace.

The coven is a safe space where we lift each other without comparisons, where we honor individual paths without judgment, and where we derive strength from our collective energy working in harmony.

Step Into The Circle & Embrace Your Inner Magick

Develop a practice that flows with everyday life by living with the seasons and the moon. Join the Naturally Modern Witch Coven now.

May you find joy in the casting of shadows as much as in the casting of spells. May you love the learning as much as you long for the outcomes. And may you, the naturally modern witch, revel in the spiral dance of life.

If you resonate with the call to enjoy the path of the witch, to savor the natural tides of life, and to find joy in the unscripted beauty of existence, we extend our invitation to you. Join our coven and become part of a community that values living fully and authentically. Together, we will walk this path with grace, finding the magic in each passing moment.

Blessed be!

Witchcraft for beginners
Lacey Burbage | Naturally Modern Witch Founder

About the Author

Lacey is a modern witch living by the seasons and the moon. She is dedicated to helping you develop a practice that flows with everyday life. More about me here

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