Navigating Eclipse Season: Understanding the Energy and How to Flow with It

Solar Eclipse

Have you been hearing a lot about the eclipse season lately? That’s because it’s right around the corner. An eclipse season is a period of time when the Sun, Moon, and Earth align, allowing eclipses to occur. These seasons occur about every six months and last for about 34 days. It’s a pretty intense time in astrology when significant celestial events take place, bringing about deep energetic changes. Understanding more about eclipses and how they affect us can really help us make the most of their transformative energy.

Here’s what you need to know about Eclipse Season

Lunar Eclipse with clouds

1. Eclipse Season Comes Twice Every Year

In general, eclipse season is from late February to mid-April and from late August to mid-October. 

Eclipses occur when the sun, moon, and Earth align. The first eclipse season of 2024 kicks off on March 24. It begins with a penumbral lunar eclipse occurring on March 24-25, 2024, followed by a total solar eclipse two weeks later, on April 8, 2024. It’s important to know that there are two distinct types of eclipses and energy: lunar and solar.

2. Utilize The Eclipse Energy

Solar Eclipse Energy:

  • Solar eclipses are often associated with beginnings, transformation, and external changes.
  • They signify a time of new beginnings or the start of a significant journey.
  • A Solar eclipse represents a moment of darkness or introspection followed by the emergence of new light or insights.

Lunar Eclipse Symbolism:

  • Lunar eclipses are often associated with endings, culmination, and internal changes.
  • They signify the completion of cycles, letting go of the old, and releasing what no longer serves us.
  • They are regarded as potent times for reflection, emotional healing, and spiritual growth.
  • Lunar eclipses represent hidden aspects of the self or emotions coming to light.

3. Eclipses are Catalysts of Change

Symbolically, eclipses represent a culmination of energy, often associated with themes of destiny or fate. This alignment activates the North and South Nodes or the “Nodes of Fate, signifying pivotal moments of growth and change.

Ritual milk bath with flowers

4. Approach Eclipse Season with Awareness

During eclipse season, it’s advisable to avoid engaging in manifestation work or ritual spells. The intense and unpredictable energy of eclipses can amplify the effects of any actions taken, potentially leading to unintended consequences. Similarly, charging stones during this time may imbue them with chaotic or stressful energy.

5. Embrace Openness

Instead of focusing on specific outcomes, remain open-minded to the insights gleaned during eclipse season. Trying to force results may cause you to overlook greater opportunities for growth and transformation.

In traditional astrology and Vedic teachings, eclipses are viewed as inauspicious times. The dimming of the luminaries and the draining of the Sun’s light symbolize a period of introspection and inner work. Canceling plans and staying home to reflect on your path, needs, and desires is recommended. Practices such as meditation, journaling, and space cleansing can help you stay grounded during this time.

6. Releasing, Resetting, Resting, and Honoring Rituals

Eclipses are ideal for releasing what no longer serves you. Engage in rituals such as writing down what you’re ready to let go of and burning the paper as a symbolic act of release. Or, take a ritual bath and make it a sacred cleansing act to wash away layers you need to shed. Remember that not all changes initiated during eclipse season are negative; some may pave the way for a more aligned and fulfilling future.

Eclipse season disrupts the regularity and predictability provided by the Sun and Moon. It offers an opportunity to break free from stagnant patterns and embrace new beginnings. While these shifts can be challenging, they often lead to positive transformations and growth. Remind us of the ever-shifting nature of life and the importance of embracing the unknown, may you trust in the process and allow yourself to flow with the cosmic currents of change.

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About the Author

I’m Lacey, a modern witch living by the seasons and the moon. I’m dedicated to helping you develop a practice that flows with everyday life. More about me here

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