Cottage Witch Ways to Celebrate Ostara

Celebrate Ostara home

The Magic of Ostara: How to Celebrate it at Home

The cold and composting of winter gives way to a time of renewal and rebirth as we pause for Spring.
The Vernal Equinox is known to many as Ostara, which is one of the eight Wiccan Sabbats. It is the second of three fertility festivals and is a time when the blessings of Spring become more visible in the natural world. Flowers bloom, the birds and the bees fly, and fertility can be seen in the animals and the land. Ancient fertility symbols like eggs and bunnies are everywhere. 
Ostara is a time to celebrate growth and new beginnings as those little sprouts explode into a multitude of beauty and the promise of a good harvest.
Magic of Ostara

Honor Rebirth

The word Ostara is said to come from the Anglo-Saxon or Germanic goddess named Eostre who represents Spring and new beginnings. But, the Spring Equinox has been honored and celebrated around the world and throughout history. In the Northern Hemisphere, this is the resurrection of the Earth.

ostara morning
Greet the Dawn
Wake up early and watch the sunrise chanting or signing if possible. If not, sit in silence and simply be.
Mother earth goddess witch
Sacred Space
Create an outdoor altar or sacred space where you can honor the seasons, spirits, energies, or meditate outside.
Ostara divination


In many traditions, the spring equinox is the beginning of the year. Try divination for the coming year with a Tarot spread, or your preferred method.

Green Witch crafting

Planning your garden is a great way to connect to nature and the elements. Also try blessing your seeds and tools, and dedicating your garden space–even if it’s an indoor space.
Smoke cleansing
Cleanse your home, sacred space, and items to clear out unwanted energy or spirits while you are physically spring cleaning. Charm your cleaning ingredients and tools for this purpose.
Ostara candle
Decorate your home for spring with fresh blossoms, bright colors, rabbits, and eggs. Make egg-based desserts and dishes and of course, decorate eggs.
Those are my favorite simple ways to celebrate spring or Ostara as a cottage witch. What are your favorite ways to celebrate?

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