Tarot Cards: Cartomancy Divination

For centuries, cards have served as convenient tools for divination. From the intricate symbolism of The Tarot to the intuitive wisdom of oracle decks, and sometimes a set of regular playing cards, we’ll explore cards as a magickal tool.

Tarot Card Origins & History of Card Divination

Card Divination, also known as cartomancy is a form of divination that uses a deck of cards to gain insights. The reader interprets the cards’ symbols, imagery, and arrangement to provide guidance.

The roots of card divination can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where various forms of divination using symbols and imagery were practiced. Playing cards, as we know them today, emerged in Europe during the Middle Ages, with the tarot evolving as a distinct system of divination in the 15th century.

Tarot cards, initially called tarocchi, emerged in Italy in the 1430s, based on the pre-14th century Egyptian Mamluk deck. These early decks introduced a fifth suit of 21 cards known as trionfi (“triumphs”) and an additional card called il matto (“the fool”) to the traditional Italian deck consisting of four suits: batons, coins, cups, and swords.

Tarot decks today typically consist of 78 cards divided into two main categories: the Major Arcana, representing significant life themes and archetypal energies, and the Minor Arcana, depicting everyday experiences and challenges through four suits (Cups, Pentacles, Swords, and Wands).

The Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot deck, often referred to simply as the Rider-Waite deck, is arguably the most popular and widely used tarot deck worldwide. It was first published in 1910 and features iconic imagery created by artist Pamela Colman Smith under the guidance of mystic A.E. Waite. This deck’s imagery and symbolism have become the standard for many tarot readers and enthusiasts, making it a staple in the world of tarot.

Tarot Cards and Thier Uses in Witchcraft

1. Divination and Insight

Tarot and oracle cards serve as tools for divination, offering insights into how past, present, and future events interwine. cards are selected intuitively or through specific spreads. Popular topics to inquire about re relationships, career, and spiritual growth. The imagery and symbolism of the cards act as mirrors, reflecting the subconscious mind and spiritual worlds providing guidance from our spirit teams.

2. Spiritual Growth and Self-Reflection

Working with tarot and oracle cards can enhance self-awareness. Through regular readings and journaling, individuals delve into their beliefs, patterns, and emotions, gaining insights into strengths and areas for improvement. These cards aid self-reflection, encouraging individuals to confront fears, overcome obstacles, and align with their true purpose.

3. Tarot in Spells, Rituals, and Magick

 Tarot and oracle cards are often integrated into ritual and magical practices to enhance intentions and manifest desires. You can utilize specific cards as focal points for meditation, visualization, or spellwork, tapping into their symbolic energy to empower their intentions. Cards can be incorporated into altar setups, ritual circles, or sacred spaces to invoke particular energies or deities, amplifying the effectiveness of magical workings.

Whether used for divination, spiritual growth, ritual, or creative exploration, cards serve as powerful allies on the path of self-discovery and transformation. As we unlock the secrets of the cards, may we awaken to the magic that lies within and around us, and may our journeys be illuminated by the light of intuition and guidance.

Do you use Tarot or Oracle cards?

Member of the green witch coven

About the Author

Kat Salsano is a cottage witch with a deep connection to nature and a passion for Slavic witchcraft. As a creative writer, she channels the wisdom of the earth into stories meant to inspire future generations to embrace their inner goddesses. More about here here.

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