Green Witch’s Garden: Planting and Blessing

How to green witch

The Sacred Act of Planting Your Green Witch's Garden

Planting a Green Witch’s garden is not merely a hobby but a sacred act of communion with nature. For practitioners of Green Witchcraft, cultivating a garden is a tangible expression of reverence for the Earth and its gifts. You don’t need to have rows of raised beds to get started. Even a few pots in a sunny window will do. For the green witch, the garden, even an indoor one, is more than just arranging plants in neat rows; it is a deeply spiritual endeavor that requires mindfulness, intention, and a profound connection to the natural world. Each seed sown is a prayer whispered to the Earth, each bud that blooms a testament to the magickal bond between witch and plant.

Selecting Plants and Herbs for Your Green Witch's Garden

Planting a Green Witch’s garden is not merely a hobby but a sacred act of communion with nature. For practitioners of Green Witchcraft, cultivating a garden is a tangible expression of reverence for the Earth and its gifts. 

When planning your garden, it is essential to choose plants and herbs that resonate with your intentions and magickal goals. Here are some versatile plants commonly found in Green Witch’s gardens:

1. Lavendar

Known for its calming properties, lavender is a staple herb in Green Witchcraft. It can be used for purification, relaxation, and enhancing psychic abilities.

2. Rosemary

With its invigorating scent and protective properties, rosemary is prized by Green Witches for banishing negativity, promoting clarity, and warding off evil spirits.

3. Mugwort

Mugwort is revered for its potent magickal properties, including lucid dreaming, divination, and psychic protection. It is often used in rituals and spells to enhance intuition and spiritual awareness.

4. Thyme

Thyme is associated with courage, strength, and vitality. Green Witches use it for purification, healing, and boosting energy levels.

5. Sage

Sage is perhaps one of the most widely known herbs for cleansing and purifying spaces. Green Witches use sage for rituals, ceremonies, and spiritual cleansing. Learn the magickal correspondences and properties of Sage here.

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6. Chamomile

Chamomile is prized for its calming and soothing properties. It can be used in spells and rituals for relaxation, sleep, and promoting inner peace.

7. Mint

Mint is renowned for its invigorating scent and digestive properties. It is often used in spells for prosperity, abundance, and attracting positive energy.

8. Yarrow

This resilient herb is known for its healing powers and is often used in divination and love spells.

9. Calendula

With its vibrant blooms and healing properties, calendula is used in ointments, salves, and love spells.

10. Dandelion

A symbol of transformation and wishes, dandelion is a versatile herb used in teas, salads, and spells aimed at divination.

11. Nettle

Prized for its protective and prosperity-attracting qualities, nettle is used in teas, cooking, and magical rituals.

Green witch garden blessing

Blessing Ritual for the Green Witch's Garden

As you prepare to plant your Green Witch’s garden, you may wish to invoke blessings upon the seeds and soil. Here is a simple blessing to use:

“Blessed be this garden, a sanctuary of magick and light,

May the seeds we sow take root and thrive,

May the Earth’s abundance bless us with abundance in return,

May our hearts be open to the wisdom of the plants,

And may we walk in harmony with the rhythms of nature.

So mote it be.”

Gardening by the moon

Gardening by the Moon in the Green Witch's Garden

Timing becomes crucial for achieving optimal growth and yield in the Green Witch’a garden. When planting by the moon:

  • Aboveground crops should be planted when planted during the waxing moon phase.
  • The New Moon marks the ideal time for sowing or transplanting leafy annuals like lettuce, spinach, cabbage, and celery.
  • The first quarter phase proves favorable for fruits and foods bearing external seeds.
  • Below-ground (root) crops tend to fare better during the waning moon phase. It is recommended to plant potatoes, beets, turnips, and fruit trees just after the full moon.
  • It’s advisable to avoid planting during the last quarter phase; instead, focusing on soil improvement tasks like weeding, mulching, and composting is more beneficial.

Astrological signs are also believed to play a role in gardening success:

  • Water and earth signs such as Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus, and Capricorn are thought to create moist, fertile conditions.
  • Virgo is considered barren, while Libra is relatively fertile.
  • Taurus is believed to favor leafy greens, while corn supposedly thrives under the influence of Libra.
Green witch's garden tools

Green Witch's Garden Tool Blessing Ritual

Place the tools upon the earth or grasp them firmly within your hands, and speak these words:

“Shovel small, rake so neat,

Tend the garden, make it sweet.

Trowel gentle, hoe so fine,

Grant my garden strength divine.

With care and reverence, I wield thee,

Abundance blooms for all to see.

By my will,

Blessed be!”

One of the most magical ways to connect with nature is by cultivating your own green witch’s garden. With each seed sown and each plant nurtured, you invite the energies of the earth to weave their spells around you. 

Have you started your garden yet? 

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About the Author

Kat Salsano is a cottage witch with a deep connection to nature and a passion for Slavic witchcraft. As a creative writer, she channels the wisdom of the earth into stories meant to inspire future generations to embrace their inner goddesses. More about here here.

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