Full Moon Sagittarius Release Ritual

Full Moon Sagittarius astrology

Try this Full Moon Sagittarius Release ritual to let go of anything holding you back from reaching your goals.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius, at the peak of the Flower Moon cycle, infuses the air with a vibrant energy that sparks optimism, enthusiasm, and an urge for adventure. Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion, this lunar phase beckons us to embrace the boundless possibilities ahead and to break free from the limitations of routine. It’s a time to embark on a journey—whether physical, intellectual, or spiritual—in search of deeper truths and greater understanding. Emotions are intense, encouraging open communication and the release of any bottled-up sentiments. The Full Moon in Sagittarius also presents opportunities for travel, learning, and expanding our horizons, while focusing on faith and belief systems that shape our actions and guide us toward our authentic selves.

Full Moon Sagittarius Release Ritual

Full Moon magick

Full Moon Sagittarius Release Ritual Items:

  1. A safe outdoor space with a fire pit or a fireproof container.
  2. Firewood or charcoal for the fire.
  3. Matches or a lighter.
  4. A small piece of paper and a pen.
  5. Optional: herbs or incense for cleansing, crystals for energy work, and any other personal items you feel connected to so that you can carry the energy of this ritual with you.

Full Moon Sagittarius Release Ritual Preparation

  1. Choose a location for your Full Moon Sagittarius Release ritual. It could be in your backyard, a park with permission, or any other safe outdoor space.
  2. Set up your fire pit or fireproof container in the chosen location.
  3. Gather your materials and place them nearby.
Full Moon Sagittarius Release Ritual

Full Moon Sagittarius Release Ritual Steps

1. Cleansing

Begin your Full Moon Sagittarius Release ritual by cleansing the space. Light your herbs or incense and walk around the area, allowing the smoke to purify the space. Visualize any negative or stagnant energy being released and replaced with positive, vibrant energy.

If you like, you can create a sacred space by casting a circle, which serves as a protective boundary for your ritual. This is a way to establish a safe and focused environment for your spiritual work. Once the circle is cast, you can invite any spiritual entities, deities, or ancestors with whom you feel comfortable working. This step is optional, so feel free to include it if it aligns with your personal practice.  Grab your New Moon Ritual here.

2. Full Moon Sagittarius Release Ritual Intentions

Sit quietly for a few moments and reflect on the intentions you want to set for this full moon cycle. Answer these journal prompts: 

  1. Identify Limiting Beliefs

    • What beliefs do I hold about myself or my abilities that might be limiting my potential?
    • Are there any negative thoughts that frequently come to mind when I think about achieving my goals?
  2. Explore Past Experiences

    • Are there past experiences that still affect my confidence or decision-making today?
    • What events in my life have shaped my self-image, and how might they be holding me back?
  3. Examine Fears and Doubts

    • What fears come up when I consider pursuing my goals, and where do they come from?
    • How do these fears manifest in my actions or inaction?

3. Charging Crystals (Optional)

If you have chosen to work with crystals, you can place them around the fire to absorb its energy and charge them with your intentions. 

4. Igniting the Fire

Carefully light the fire using matches or a lighter. As you watch the flames grow, envision them as a symbol of transformation and renewal. Feel the warmth and energy radiating from the fire.

5. Full Moon Sagittarius Release Ritual Magick

As the fire burns, hold the piece of paper with your intentions written on it. Take a moment to connect with the energy of the fire. When you feel ready, toss the paper into the flames, offering your intentions to the universe. As the paper burns, visualize your intentions being released into the cosmos, knowing that they will be heard and honored. You may wish to use tweezers to safely hold the paper as it burns.

6. Meditation and Reflection

Sit quietly by the fire and meditate on the flames. Allow yourself to feel grounded and centered in the present moment. Reflect on the changes you wish to see in your life and the steps you can take to manifest them.

7. Full Moon Sagittarius Release Ritual Closing

When you feel ready to end your Full Moon Sagittarius Release ritual, thank the fire for its warmth and energy. Express gratitude for the opportunity to connect with the cycles of nature and set your intentions. Slowly extinguish the fire, making sure it is completely out before leaving the area. If any ashes remain, blow them to the wind.

Remember to always practice fire safety and to follow any local regulations regarding outdoor fires.

Enjoy your ritual this full moon. Blessed be!

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About the Author

Kat Salsano is a cottage witch with a deep connection to nature and a passion for Slavic witchcraft. As a creative writer, she channels the wisdom of the earth into stories meant to inspire future generations to embrace their inner goddesses. More about her here.

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