New Moon Taurus Manifestation Ritual

New Moon Taurus astrology

As the Taurus New Moon ushers in the start of the Flower Moon cycle, we find ourselves in a stable and grounded space, ready for a manifestation ritual. This is a time to plant the seeds of our deepest intentions, nurturing them in the fertile soil of this Venus-ruled sign. Taurus offers us a sense of stability, patience, and an enduring connection to the natural rhythms of the earth. In this ritual, we honor the New Moon’s energy by grounding our aspirations in Taurus’ steady and nurturing embrace, trusting that what we plant today will grow and flourish in its own time. Click here for a Full Moon ritual where you can release anything that is holding you back from achieving your desires.

Taurus Manifestation New Moon Ritual

New Moon Taurus Manifestation Ritual

Taurus New Moon Manifestation Ritual Items:

  1. Perform this Taurus New Moon Manifestation Ritual on or within three days after the new moon.
  2. A quiet outdoor space or a potted plant indoors.
  3. A small pot or container filled with soil.
  4. Seeds representing your intentions (e.g., flower seeds for joy, herb seeds for healing, or fruit and vegetable seeds for abundance).
  5. A small shovel or gardening tool.
  6. Optional: candles, incense, or crystals for setting the mood.


  1. For the Taurus New Moon Manifestation Ritual, choose a serene spot where you can connect with nature, whether it’s in your garden, a park, or even on a balcony.
  2. Cleanse your space, tools, and self.
  3. If you like, you can create a sacred space by casting a circle, which serves as a protective boundary for your ritual. This is a way to establish a safe and focused environment for your spiritual work. Once the circle is cast, you can invite any spiritual entities, deities, or ancestors with whom you feel comfortable working. This step is optional, so feel free to include it if it aligns with your personal practice.
  4. Set up your pot or container filled with soil in this chosen space.
  5. Place the seeds and gardening tool nearby.

Taurus New Moon Manifestation Ritual Steps

1. Setting the Space

Before you begin your Taurus New Moon Manifestation Ritual light candles, incense, or arrange crystals to create a sacred atmosphere conducive to reflection and intention setting. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself and connect with the earth beneath you.

2. Taurus New Moon Manifestation Ritual Intentions

Take a moment to reflect on what you wish to manifest in your life during this lunar cycle. What do you desire to nurture and grow? Visualize your intentions as seeds waiting to be planted, filled with potential and promise.

3. Planting the Seeds

With your gardening tool, create small holes in the soil of the pot or container. As you do so, speak your intentions aloud or silently in your mind. Imagine each seed representing a specific goal or aspiration, and carefully place them into the holes one by one.

Gently cover the seeds with soil, symbolizing the nurturing embrace of the earth. As you do this, visualize your intentions taking root and growing strong, supported by the fertile ground and the energy nurturing your Taurus New Moon Manifestation Ritual.

5. Gratitude

Stand or sit quietly by the planted seeds and affirm your trust in the process of growth and manifestation. Express gratitude to the earth for its abundant support and to yourself for taking this step towards your goals.

6. Taurus New Moon Manifestation Ritual Closing

Take a moment to ground yourself by placing your hands on the earth and feeling its solid, supportive presence. Thank the earth and the New Moon for their guidance and blessings. Blow out any candles or extinguish incense, and leave the space feeling grounded and uplifted.

7. Nurturing Growth

In the coming days and weeks, tend to your planted seeds with care, watering them regularly and nurturing them with love. As you watch them grow, remember the intentions you buried and trust in their gradual manifestation.

New Moon Taurus Manifestation gratitude

As you engage in thisTaurus New Moon Manifestation Ritual, may you draw comfort from the earth’s reliable strength and be inspired to cultivate the dreams you sow. Let the energy of Taurus guide you, providing the patience, resilience, and abundance needed to nurture your goals. May this New Moon be a time of renewal, allowing you to connect with the earth and embrace the slow, steady growth ahead. Blessed be.

Member of the green witch coven

About the Author

Kat Salsano is a cottage witch with a deep connection to nature and a passion for Slavic witchcraft. As a creative writer, she channels the wisdom of the earth into stories meant to inspire future generations to embrace their inner goddesses. More about her here.

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