Naturally Modern Witches’ Calendar | April 2024

April with pink flowers

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For the modern practitioner of green witchcraft, every month, week, and day brings new energies and potential for growth. In the month of April, the earth’s rebirth after winter’s slumber is mirrored in the opportunities for rejuvenation and transformation. This modern witches calendar is not just a series of magical acts; it’s a guide to infuse your everyday life with the sacred and the intentional. Each daily act is designed to attune you to the natural world, tap into your personal power, and enhance your spiritual connection. Are you ready to weave the magic of April into your life? Let’s begin.

The Modern Green Witch's Guide to April: A Calendar of Daily Magical Acts

Leap of faith with community

April 1st The Fool’s Day - Mercury Retrograde: Reflect and Revise

If you prank someone after midday, be prepared to become the fool yourself. The joke’s on you. Use this day to honor foolishness, as foolishness is often the precursor to innovation and adventure. Play the part of the fool by taking a risk on something new or unexpected, putting your trust in the universe’s ability to catch you. Click here to learn the history behind April fool’s Day.

Click here to read more about The Fool card in Tarot.

Mercury Retrograde is notorious for communication mishaps and technological troubles. Green witches should take this as an opportunity to go inward. Reflect on your goals and plans, revise any that are no longer in alignment with your path. It’s the perfect time to reevaluate and make adjustments, just as nature subtly shifts in preparation for the full bloom of spring.

April 2nd - Sage for Wisdom

Carry a sprig of sage for enhanced wisdom, or craft a Lavender & Sage Blessing Salve. Sage is a symbol of wisdom and purification. Use it to clear spaces, minds, and energy fields, paving the way for logical and wise decision-making throughout the month. Click here to learn the Magickal properties and correspondences of Sage.

April 3rd - Iced Mint Tea for Clarity

Brew a pot of iced tea made with fresh mint to clear your mind and invigorate your spirit. Mint is known for its ability to sharpen the intellect and promote mental clarity. Sip it slowly and intentionally, feeling the coolness of April’s breeze flow through your thoughts.

Glass of iced mint tea

April 4th - Air Element Exercise

Inhale deeply and hold the breath as you mentally count to seven, then exhale slowly for a count of seven. Repeat this seven times. This simple breathing exercise not only honors the element of air but also brings balance and mindfulness to your day. Air is the element of thought and communication, and this exercise encourages clear and focused thought.

April 5th - Venus Day: Love and Magick

Use herbs and practices that correspond with love to honor Friday’s roots. Work on self-love or manifesting a loving relationship. Rose quartz and pink candles are wonderful tools for this day. Bring warmth and affection into your life by focusing on love in all its forms.

April 6th - Saturn's Day Boundaries Exploration

Tape into Saturn’s energy by evaluating the boundaries in your life. Are they too rigid, too porous, or just right? Use this introspective time to ensure you have healthy, protective barriers in place. This is crucial for your own well-being and for maintaining your energy integrity.

Ritual cleansing bath

April 7th - Dark Moon Self-Cleansing

The dark moon is a time for inner work and self-cleansing. Perform a ritual that banishes negative influences and purifies your spirit. This can be as simple as a salt bath infused with your intentions or as complex as a full moon dance under the starry night sky.

April 8th - New Moon in Aries/Solar Eclipse Rest & Reset

Welcome the new moon in Aries with a rest and reset ritual. Meditate on new beginnings and set your intentions for the coming lunar cycle. Light a white candle to symbolize purity and the potential for infinite possibilities. Allow this time to be a reset button for your energy fields and aspirations.

April 9th -Waxing Moon: Plant Growth Magick

Today is the best for plant growth magick. If you have an herb or flower you want to see thrive, perform a spell or simply speak your intentions as you tend to your green allies. As the moon waxes, visualize your desires growing with the same vibrant energy that fuels nature’s own rebirth.

April 10th - Candle Magick for Quickening

Use candle magick today to attract something fast. Choose a color that corresponds with your goal, and carve your intention into the wax. Light the candle, releasing the energy into the universe, and watch it manifest with the speed of the growing spring.

April 11th - Planting Seeds on a Waxing Moon

The energy of a waxing moon is ideal for planting aboveground crops. Whether you’re sowing literal seeds in your garden or metaphorical ones in your life, do so with the intention of growth and expansion. The earth is fertile and ready to receive your intentions.

Women breathing

April 12 - Shielding from Others' Energies

Spend 5 minutes today shielding yourself from the energy of others. Imagine a cocoon of light surrounding you, impenetrable to outside influences. This simple act can mean the difference between an energizing day and a draining one.

April 13th - The Death Card: Transformation and Beginnings

Work with The Death card in the Tarot today. Its energy is all about transformation and new beginnings. What in your life needs to die so that something new can take its place? Journal your insights, and don’t shy away from the changes the universe is pushing you toward.

April 14th - Solar Energy and Sunlight

Honor the sun today by watching the sunrise, or simply by spending time with your face turned toward its golden rays. If the weather doesn’t permit, charge items with sunlight energy. The sun is a source of life and vitality, so bask in its warm glow.

April 15th - Moon Observation

Make a point to be visibly aware of the moon’s phase and presence throughout the day. Notice how its energy affects you and the world around you. This simple act of mindfulness connects you to the larger celestial cycles that govern our lives and magick.

April 16th - Reflect on Your Path

Answer this journal prompt today: “Where do I stand on my path, and where do I wish to go?” Reflection is a powerful tool for growth. Be honest and bold with your answers, and use them to guide your actions in the coming days.

A journal and candle ritual

April 17th - Nature's Gratitude Offering

Make an offering of gratitude to something in nature that has brought joy or guidance to your life. This can be as simple as a libation poured onto the earth or a whispered thank you to the wind. Recognizing and honoring the gifts of the natural world enriches your own connection to it.

April 18th - Tiger’s Eye for Strength

Carry a piece of tiger’s eye today and throughout the day, remind yourself of the stone’s qualities of strength and courage. Whether you’re facing a challenge or simply want to exude confidence, this stone is a powerful ally.

April 19th - Barefoot Grounding

Ground yourself by walking barefoot outside. Feel the earth beneath your feet and allow it to draw any excess energy down and away, leaving you feeling calm and centered. This is an ancient practice that connects you directly to the earth’s energies.

April 20th - Major Arcana Guidance

Pull a Major Arcana card for guidance on your personal and spiritual path. Reflect on its symbolism and consider its message in relation to your current circumstances. The Major Arcana cards represent major life lessons or themes, offering profound guidance. Read about The Fool card here.

April 21st - Earth Connection

Connect with nature by visiting a farmer’s market, community garden, or local park. Immerse yourself in the natural world, listen to the birds, smell the flowers, and feel the earth beneath your feet. This strengthens your bond with the earth and allows you to learn from its teachings.

Planting seeds

April 22nd - Earth Day and Planting Seeds

On Earth Day, make a personal vow to honor and protect the earth. Plant a tree, water your garden, or sow new seeds in acknowledgment of the life-giving energy of the planet. Your actions, no matter how small, can make a difference.

April 23rd - Full Moon in Scorpio: Luminous Release

Release intense and powerful emotions under the illuminating light of the full moon. Engage in healing practices or magick that help you shed what no longer serves you. The scorpion’s energy is deep, emotional, and transformative – allow it to guide you in your release.

April 24th - Planting Underground Crops

On the waning moon, plant underground crops or work on spells and intentions related to things you want to grow beneath the surface – these can be hidden talents, secrets, or even aspects of your personality you wish to transform.

April 25th - Mercury Direc

With Mercury Direct, use cartomancy or other forms of divination for clarity from within. The veil is thin, and messages from your higher self or guides may be more easily accessible. Seek answers to your burning questions or simply take time to listen to the whispers of the spirit world.


April 26th - Love Spell

Craft a love spell oil to wear as a personal love potion that attracts love into your life. Choose oils and scents associated with love, such as rose, geranium, or ylang-ylang. Infuse them with your intentions and charge them under the moonlight for added potency.

April 27th - Soil Improvement Magick

On the waning moon, work on improving the soil in your garden – weeding, mulching, and composting. This physical act mirrors the inner work of releasing and composting what no longer serves on a metaphysical level. The soil ensures a fertile base for future growth.

April 28th - Seasonal Eating Celebration

Celebrate the season by eating something that’s in its prime today. Whether it’s a dish made from foraged ramps, wild leeks, or a special dessert using the first strawberries of the season, enjoy the bounty of nature’s table and give thanks for the sustenance it provides.

April 29th - Explore Meditating

Taking 20 minutes to meditate on the concept of “Explore” can be an enlightening journey of self-discovery and curiosity. Allow your mind to wander freely, delving into the depths of what exploration means to you. Perhaps it’s about venturing into the unknown, seeking new experiences, or embracing uncertainty with open arms. As you meditate, reflect on past adventures and consider future possibilities. Embrace the spirit of exploration, both externally in the world around you and internally within your thoughts and emotions. Let go of expectations and immerse yourself in the endless possibilities that come with embracing the unknown.

April 30th - Beltane Preparation

Prepare for Beltane, which begins at sundown, the summer’s sensual celebration of heat, lust, and love. Whether your preparation involves planning rituals, crafting decorative wreaths of flowers, or simply attuning your energy towards this seasonal shift, dedicate the day to this upcoming sabbat and the joys of life it symbolizes.

Just as the earth awakens from its winter slumber, so too do we awaken to the endless possibilities for growth and renewal. In the month of Arpil, we delve deep into the essence of “Explore,” embracing the spirit of curiosity and venturing into the unknown with open hearts and minds. As modern practitioners of witchcraft, we understand that every moment is an opportunity for transformation and connection with the natural world. Let us embrace the magic of April and embark on this sacred journey together, ready to explore, grow, and thrive.

Grab the Calendar Here

Witchcraft for beginners

About the Author

Lacey is a modern witch living by the seasons and the moon. She is dedicated to helping you develop a practice that flows with everyday life. Read more about her

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