Sage Properties, Magickal Correspondences and Uses

Magickal Sage

There is no other herb in the modern witch’s cabinet that has a reputation quite like common sage. As an edible herbaceous perennial in the mint family, it is characterized by its shrubby stem, reaching about two feet in height, and oval, wrinkled leaves of grayish-green hue sometimes tinged with red or purple. Its 2-lipped flowers bloom in summertime, boasting shades of blue, white, and purple.

With a rich history dating back to Egyptian, Roman, and Greek medicine, it is renowned for both its medicinal and culinary uses. While it was originally prized for its healing properties, it has since become a staple culinary herb, particularly favored in Autumn dishes such as roast turkey, sausage stuffing, and pumpkin soup. Introduced to the Americas by colonists, sage continues to thrive in gardens and kitchens across the world.

There are over 900 species of sage (Salvia) found worldwide, with varying characteristics and uses. Some of the most commonly known types include common sage (Salvia officinalis), white sage (Salvia apiana), cleveland sage (Salvia clevelandii), and Spanish sage (Salvia lavandulifolia), among others. Each type of sage has its own unique properties, flavors, and cultural significance.

White Sage (Salvia Apiana)

White sage (Salvia apiana) is listed as at-risk by United Plant Savers. The surge in demand for white sage, fueled by its trendiness, has resulted in a significant reduction in its wild population. This decline is mainly attributed to habitat loss caused by urban development and heightened poaching, exacerbated by its vulnerability to cultural appropriation.

It plays a crucial role as a food source for various animals, including elk, mountain sheep, pronghorns, deer, local rodents, small birds, and mammal populations.

The sacredness of white sage is deeply rooted in the traditions of many indigenous American nations. However, the recent surge in its popularity has made it increasingly challenging for these communities to access their sacred medicines.

“I think the cultural appropriation comes from the miseducation that begins in our school systems and just the lack of truth-telling about our history and the erasure of our people.” – Saging the World

Magickal Energies of Sage (Salvia officinalis)

Magical sage

Magickal Intentions of Sage

Balance, Business, clairvoyance, comfort, concentration/focus, bless/consecrate, consciousness, divination,energy, fear, fertility, gratitude, grounding, guidance, harmoney, healing, insight, knowledge, mental clarity, money, rid negativity, power, peace, purification, spirits, psychic ability, wisdom, wishes.

Magickal Correspondences

Planet: Jupiter, Mercury, and sometimes the moon.
Element: Air, Earth
Zodiac: Aquarius, Pisces, Sagittarius, Taurus
Day: Thursday
Rune: Tyr
Tarot: Emperor

Some Magickal Uses of Sage

  • An Italian proverb states, “Why should a man die when he has Sage in his garden?”
  • Used to promote wisdom and bring in good luck.
  • It builds emotional strength and may help to heal grief. 
  • It is associated with protection and the granting of wishes.
  • It appears in countless spells of kitchen witchery, especially those stemming from European traditions.
  • When crushed, the dried herb is added to purification incense.
  • To make a wish, write your wish on a sage leaf, sleep with it under your pillow for three days and then bury it.
  • Add to spell bags to promote wisdom and to overcome grief.

Some Healing and Therapeutic Uses

  • Tea has antiseptic qualities and makes a good gargle for sore throats.
  • The botanical name coming from the Latin word “salvus,” meaning “saved” or “healed”.
  • Contains large amounts of vitamin K and B vitamins, and is also rich in vitamin A, iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, vitamin C, vitamin E, and riboflavin.
  • Packed with antioxidants.
  • It can be used topically to improve the health and appearance of skin, hair, and nails.
  • The oil can be mixed with a carrier and applied to hair or skin in order to cleanse the area and regulate oil production.
  • Aids in the digestion and is therefore good for seasoning.

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About the Author

Lacey is a modern witch living by the seasons and the moon. She is dedicated to helping you develop a practice that flows with everyday life. Read more about her here.

1 thought on “Sage Properties, Magickal Correspondences and Uses”

  1. I believe I am a green witch my love of Mother Earth and her magic astounds me. I honor her daily and thank her daily. I do it have a garden yet I’m abit nervous to have one. I’m not sure how good it would turn out I honor the trees and their spirits. I speak with them and seek their wisdom. I also honor the moon especially the full
    And new moons. I plan to start a small garden this year with your guidance. Thanks

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