The 3 Most Popular Witchcraft Spells: Love, Protection, and Wealth

popular book of spells laid out with fall table

Witchcraft is a vast, eclectic practice that spans across so many different cultures and traditions, yet certain aspects of life commonly draw focus in spellwork. Spells for love, protection, and wealth consistently rank among the most popular, reflecting our universal desires for connection, security, and prosperity. In this article we will explore these three types of spells, their purpose, and a brief introduction on how they might be conducted.

Love Spells

Love spells, often used for cultivating connection and inviting the possibility of love into one’s life, are indeed among the most popular in witchcraft. It’s important to underscore that these spells should never be employed to control or manipulate another person’s will. Ethical love spells are tools for nurturing self-love, inviting positive romantic energies into one’s life, and healing from emotional wounds.

A rose quartz love spell is a common choice due to the stone’s strong association with love and the heart chakra. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you might conduct this spell:

  1. Gather Your Materials: For this spell, you’ll need a rose quartz crystal. It’s also helpful to have a quiet, undisturbed space where you can focus.
  2. Cleanse Your Crystal: Before starting your spell, cleanse your rose quartz of any residual energy. This could be done by immersing it in saltwater, smoke cleansing it, or leaving it out under moonlight.
  3. Set Your Intention: Hold the rose quartz in your hand, close your eyes, and clearly visualize your intention. Are you looking to attract new love, strengthen an existing bond, or cultivate more self-love? Picture this intention as a vibrant, glowing light.
  4. Send Energy to the Crystal: As you hold the crystal, visualize the energy from your intention flowing from your heart, through your arm and hand, and into the rose quartz. You might imagine this energy as a beam of light or a current of electricity.
  5. Seal the Spell: To finish the spell, you could say an affirmation or phrase that encapsulates your intention. Something like, “I am open to love,” or “I attract love naturally.”
  6. Keep the Crystal With You: After completing the spell, keep the rose quartz in your pocket, wear it as jewelry, or place it somewhere significant in your home. The crystal now acts as a talisman, radiating the intention you’ve imbued it with.

Protection Spells

Protection spells are another highly sought-after category of spellwork. These spells aim to safeguard you, your loved ones, or your home from negative energies, harmful intentions, or general misfortune. Protection spells may also be used to ward off fear and anxiety, creating a sense of safety and tranquility.

Black tourmaline, known for its powerful protective properties, is a common feature in many protection spells. Here is a step-by-step guide for a black tourmaline home protection spell:

  1. Prepare Your Materials: You’ll need four pieces of black tourmaline, ideally similar in size. Make sure you have a quiet, undisturbed space to conduct the spell.
  2. Cleanse Your Crystals: As with any spell, it’s crucial to cleanse your crystals beforehand. This can be done using methods such as smoke cleasning, immersing in saltwater, or leaving out under moonlight.
  3. Place the Crystals: One by one, place each piece of black tourmaline in the four corners of your home. As you place each stone, visualize it anchoring a strong protective barrier.
  4. Visualize a Protective Barrier: Once all four crystals are in place, imagine them being connected by a powerful beam of energy, forming a protective shield around your home.
  5. Affirmations of Protection: To strengthen the spell, you can chant affirmations of protection and safety. Phrases like, “This home is a sanctuary of peace and protection,” or “I am safe and protected,” can serve to intensify the protective energy.
  6. Seal the Spell: Finish the spell by standing in the center of your home, feeling the protective energy surrounding you. State your intention once more, affirming that your home is safe, protected, and shielded from all negativity.

Wealth Spells

Wealth spells cater to our desire for financial security and abundance. These spells aren’t shortcuts to riches but rather tools to attract the energy of abundance, remove blocks to prosperity, and enhance one’s mindset towards money and wealth.

Citrine, a crystal known for its connections with abundance and prosperity, is often utilized in wealth spells. Here’s a step-by-step guide for performing a citrine wealth spell:

  1. Gather Your Materials: First, you’ll need a piece of citrine, ideally cleansed and charged. This could be a loose stone or a piece of citrine jewelry. You’ll also want to choose a quiet, private space where you can conduct your spell uninterrupted.
  2. Meditation and Visualization: Hold the citrine in your hand and close your eyes. Visualize your financial goals. Imagine the wealth you desire flowing into your life, bringing with it security and prosperity.
  3. Affirm Your Intentions: While holding the citrine, affirm your intention. Speak or think phrases like, “I attract wealth easily,” or “Abundance flows to me freely.” Tailor these affirmations to your specific financial goals.
  4. Create a Citrine Talisman: After you have charged the citrine with your intentions, transform it into a talisman by placing it in a meaningful location. Some people like to carry it in their purse or wallet, while others might place it in a work space or even a safe.
  5. Nourish the Spell: Periodically revisit your talisman, touch it, and reaffirm your intention to attract wealth. This can serve as a regular reminder of your financial goals and the ongoing energy you are directing toward them.
  6. Seal the Spell: Finalize the spell by expressing gratitude for the wealth that’s on its way to you. A mindset of gratitude can act as a powerful attractor of abundance.

As an eclectic witch myself, I can’t emphasize enough the importance of researching and understanding the spellwork you intend to engage in. The specifics of love, protection, and wealth spells can, and do, vary greatly among practitioners and traditions. However, the core intention behind these spells – seeking love, protection, and abundance – is universal to the human experience. They mirror our collective hopes and trials, underlining the transformative power of witchcraft as a tool for navigating the complexities of life.

Whether you’ve been practicing witchcraft for decades, or you’ve only recently been drawn to the craft, these types of spells can provide profound insights about our individual and collective relationships with love, safety, and prosperity. I urge you to read and research spells and correspondences extensively. Knowledge is indeed power when it comes to spellwork.

But remember, with power comes responsibility. Any form of spellwork must be conducted with utmost respect and a profound awareness of the ripple effects our actions can have in the universe. As practitioners, we must understand that our craft does not exist in a vacuum. It’s interconnected with the greater cosmic dance of energies and influences.

So, as you explore these spells and others, remember to practice safely and ethically. Conduct your spellwork with care, respect, and a conscious understanding of the potential outcomes. Always ensure your intentions align with your highest good and do not infringe upon the free will of others. Through this mindful practice, you’ll discover the empowering journey that is witchcraft, facilitating growth, wisdom, and transformation along the way.

About the Author

Susan Phelps is a practicing witch with an insatiable passion for books and spirituality. With a deeply rooted belief in the transformative power of knowledge, Susan embarked on a journey to become a co-founder of The Lost Book Project in September 2021. This initiative is dedicated to the preservation, review, and distribution of ancient, rare, and hidden books encompassing a myriad of esoteric subjects. With an extensive background in witchcraft, she thrives on sharing her wisdom and insights into the craft, guiding others on their spiritual journey. Susan is fueled not only by her love for reading but also by her desire to help others, often participating in fundraising for charities close to her heart. Her commitment to assisting those on their spiritual journey and preserving the wisdom of the past illuminates her mission: to illuminate the path for others with the light of knowledge and understanding.

a money bowl off-center with two tarot cards to the left. A green candle in the center of the bowl surrounded by crystals and items. other necessities fill the spell casting altar

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