Which Witch Are You? Take the Quiz

What witch

What is a witch?

The word “witch” derives from the Old English words “wicca” and “wicce” (masculine and feminine forms) This later became “wicche”, in Middle English, which meant the same thing as “wicca” and “wicce”, but didn’t distinguish between the genders, being used to refer to both men and women. 

The origin of the words “wicca” and “wicce” isn’t entirely known, but it is thought the words themselves originally meant “wise one”, with the earliest references to these words in Old English always seeming to be associated with divination and “teaching”, based on that knowledge. 

Witch would later come to describe the Cunning folk, also known as folk healers, they are practitioners of folk medicine, folk magic, and divination within various traditions.

Kitchen witch
Green Witch
Hearth Witch

Which Witch are You?

All witches work closely with the energies found in nature, but some have an extra connection that they may utilize.

There are many types of Witches and the word is not gender specific.  You can be male, trans, non-binary, gender-fluid, female, or anywhere on the “gender” spectrum and be a witch.

So which one are you?

There’s only one way to find out.

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